About US

More than 1.9 million retired public workers – including teachers, fire fighters and police officers – have seen their hard-earned Social Security benefits reduced by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). With the number of victimized by WEP growing by the day, the time to pass federal reform legislation is now.

The Alliance for Public Retirees was created by a joint effort between the Retired State, County and Municipal Employees Association of Massachusetts (Mass Retirees) and the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA). Our organizations first came together nearly a decade ago through our mutual efforts to resolve the issues of WEP and the Government Pension Offset (GPO).

Since 2019, the Alliance has grown to included the California Retired County Employees Association (CRCEA), the Retired Employees of Los Angeles County (RELAC), the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists (MOSES), and the Retired Educators Association of MA (REAM).

Together with retiree organizations, public employee unions and civic associations across the country we have worked to advance federal legislation through Congress aimed at reforming both the WEP and GPO laws.

The mission of the Public Retirees Alliance is to advocate, promote and educate on behalf of nearly 6 million retired public employees and their families across the United States.

Join with us today!