WEP Reform Bill Reintroduced By Ways & Means Chairman

April 7, 2021
By Shawn Duhamel, Chief Executive Officer of the Mass Retirees Association Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA) has reintroduced his Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) reform proposal for 2021-22 Congressional Session with 139 House cosponsors, the entire Massachusetts Congressional delegation. H.R. 2337 is now the focal point for WEP reform for...

H.R. 2337: Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act of 2021

April 2, 2021
Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act ~ H.R. 2337 Lead Sponsor: Congressman Richard Neal of Massachusetts, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means The Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act of 2021 fixes the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by introducing a new proportional formula, provides meaningful WEP relief...

Mass. Congressional Delegation Supports WEP Reform

October 31, 2019
100% Cosponsor H.R. 4540 OCTOBER 31, 2019: Support for federal legislation aimed at reforming the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) continues to rapidly grow. The bill, H.R. 4540, now has 46 official Congressional cosponsors – including all 9 Massachusetts’ members of Congress. In addition, 23 national and state-wide organizations...

Liz Weston: Will you get what Social Security promises?

October 21, 2019
By Liz Weston of Nerdwallet | AP  The Social Security Administration will happily forecast your future monthly retirement check. Trouble is, it’s often off the mark. Understanding the sometimes-flawed assumptions underlying the estimate can help you make smarter decisions about when to claim your benefit. First, of course, you should know how...

Congress Takes Aim at a Social Security Benefit Killer

October 14, 2019
By Dan Caplinger, The Motley Fool The Windfall Elimination Provision can take a big bite out of some retirees' checks. That's by design -- but the question is, was it a fair design? There's a lot of complexity to Social Security, which can make it hard for a person to...

Tim Lee Visits Washington DC, Discusses Advancement of WEP Reform Bills

October 11, 2019
By the Texas Retired Teachers Association Executive Summary: Reps. Neal and Brady have filed WEP reform bills, HR 4540 and HR 3934. Both bills will provide relief to retirees if passed. However, the bills differ on their stance on the “hold harmless” provision. TRTA is asking for your help to contact your...

National Support Grows for WEP Reform

October 6, 2019
By, Mass Retirees Teacher Unions & Firefighters Back H.R. 4540  OCTOBER 9, 2019: Less than two weeks following the filing of new federal legislation aiming to reform the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), a strong showing of national support has quickly enveloped H.R. 4540. Several of the largest unions representing...

Next Steps With WEP Reform

October 4, 2019
By Mass Retirees Last week, we announced a major step forward in our fight to reform the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). With the filing of H.R. 4540 by Ways and Means Chairman Richie Neal of Springfield, we now have a sound proposal that stands a realistic chance of...

Another WEP Reform Bill Introduced

October 2, 2019
Another bill has been introduced in the House that purports to fix the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) that often negatively impacts retirement income of federal retirees. The Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act (H.R. 4540) as it’s known was introduced by Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA) and would make two notable...

Neal Files WEP Reform Bill

September 28, 2019
H.R. 4540 Offers Relief For Current & Future Retirees By Mass Retirees SEPTEMBER 28, 2019: Massachusetts Congressman Richard Neal (D-Springfield) has fulfilled his promises to Mass Retirees, filing a new proposal to reform the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and bring immediate relief for the more than 73,000 MA residents...